Published Data - Business Rates
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides a 'right of access' to NNDR Business Rates recorded information. We regularly update and publish details of RVs, charges, reliefs, ratepayers, new occupiers and credit balances.
Unpublished NNDR Business Rates data or information may be made available upon request. You must submit this as a Freedom of Information request.
Please note that all Freedom of Information requests should be made direct to Basildon Council's Freedom of Information Officer.
See: to submit your FOI Request online.
Published data; Rateable values, charges, reliefs and ratepayers
- Business Rates Data (Excel doc, 600 KB)(opens new window) - (next update end May 2025)
Includes the following information for all properties that are currently rated:
- Property reference. Used by the Valuation Office Agency of HMRC.
- Ratepayer's name, where they are not an individual or individuals
- Ratepayer's correspondence address where they are not an individual or individuals.
- Property address
- Property description
- Current Rateable Value
- Exemption Description where empty
- Mandatory Relief (%) where it applies.
- Discretionary Relief (%)
- Whether small business rate relief applies (Y/N)
- The percentage of mandatory or discretionary relief applicable
Published data; Business Rates outstanding Credit information
- Business Rates Credit Information (Excel doc, 42 KB)(opens new window) - (next update end May 2025)
Basildon Council cannot vouch for the ongoing accuracy of published credit data as business rates accounts are updated daily. There may be corresponding accounts with debits. The information has been screened to remove accounts relating to individuals as this data is exempt. In some cases this may mean that non-personal accounts have also been removed.
Published data; Business Rates New Occupiers
- Business Rates New Occupiers (Excel doc, 29 KB)(opens new window) - (next update end May 2025)
Lists PLC and Ltd companies added recently to the NNDR Business Rates database
NNDR Business Rates data/information we cannot publish
We are often asked to provide information about business ratepayers. Under Data Protection Act regulations we are not permitted to release any information which can be used to identify an individual person as this would constitute a violation of their rights.
We have removed the names of people from some entries on the information files published here in order to protect their individual rights as required by the Data Protection Act . For example; the names of people have been removed from records in cases where the business property listed :
- is that of a sole trader
- is a partnership
- includes people mentioned by name as 'contacts'.
In doing this we are complying with the requirements of the GDPR.
the Business Rates Team
- Address
- United Kingdom