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Licensing - List of recent Premises, Club or Pavement Licence applications

Published here; a list of recent applications for a new Premises, Club or Pavement Licence, or for a change to an existing Premises, Club or Pavement Licence. Full details of an application can be viewed by appointment.

Making a Representation against a Licence Application

Any person who lives in the borough, or has a business interest here, may make a representation against an application. The representation must be made within the 28 day consultation period after an application is submitted.

Representations should be made in writing to:

The Licensing Authority
Basildon Council
The Basildon Centre
St Martins Square
SS14 1DL

Anyone making a representation that is judged as relevant will be entitled to expand on their views at the subsequent hearing.

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for such an offence is £5000.

What grounds can be used for a Representation?

The Licensing Act 2003 is based around four principles:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm.

Representations must relate to one or more of these principles, and other issues would not be considered relevant.

If you have any questions please contact the Licensing Authority on 01268-206925.

New applications for a  pavement licence

Premises name and addressBrief details of the applicationDate of applicationLast day for receipt of re-presentationsHearing date / Location (if applicable)





New applications received for a Premises Licence

Premises name and addressBrief details of the applicationDate of applicationLast day for receipt of re-presentationsHearing date / Location (if applicable)

KFC Pitsea Retail Park
SS13 3AB

The Application requests the following licensable activities:

Provision of Recorded Music (indoors):
Monday to Sunday 08:00 to 02:00
Late night refreshment
Monday to Sunday 08:00 to 02:00
Opening hours
Monday to Sunday 08:00 to 02:00


Wickford Town Football Club
Bartlett Road
SS11 8RZ

The Application requests the licensable activities of the supply of alcohol to members and guests for consumption on & off the premises, recorded music.

Hours for licensable activities:

Sale of Alcohol 
Monday to Saturday 12:00 - 23:00
Sunday - 12:00 - 22:00

Recorded Music (Indoors)
Monday to Sunday 09:00 to 23:00

Opening hours
Monday to Thursday - 08:00 - 23:30
Friday and Saturday 08:00 - 00:00
Sunday - 08:00 - 23:00















Lise Lous Ltd
Tea Room Westside Lodge
Upper Avenue
Bowers Gifford
SS13 2LR

The Application requests the licensable activities of the supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises, live music & recorded music.

Hours for licensable activities 

Sale of alcohol,     (on sales)                                                 
Monday - Sunday                         
10:00hrs - 22:00hrs

Live music (indoors)
Monday - Sunday                            
14:00hrs to 21:00hrs

Recorded music   (indoors)
Monday - Sunday                         
10:00hrs - 22:00hrs

Opening hours      
Monday - Sunday                         
10:00hrs - 22:00hrs


New applications received for a Club Licence

Premises name and addressBrief details of the applicationDate of applicationLast day for receipt of re-presentationsHearing date / Location (if applicable)

Wickford Bowling Club 
Bowls Pavillion
Memorial Park
Rettendon View
SS11 8JE

The Application requests the licensable activity of the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises.  

Hours for licensable activity 
Sale of alcohol                                 
Monday to Sunday  12:00hrs -22:00 hrs
Opening hours                                 
Monday to Sunday  12:00hrs -22:00 hrs





New applications received for a variation to an existing Premises or Club Licence

Premises name and addressBrief details of the applicationDate of applicationLast day for receipt of re-presentationsHearing date / Location (if applicable)

Carnival Close
Festival Leisure Park
SS14 3WE

The Application requests to amend the licence to remove a condition attached to the licence and to add additional conditions to mitigate the change. 
No changes to hours or licensable activities are requested.





New applications received for a Provisional Statement for a Premises or Club

Premises name and addressBrief details of the applicationDate of applicationLast day for receipt of re-presentationsHearing date / Location (if applicable)





New applications received for a Review of a Premises or Club Licence

Premises name and addressBrief details of the applicationDate of applicationLast day for receipt of re-presentationsHearing date and location (If applicable)

Old Barn Court
High Street 
CM12 9BY

The grounds of the review are that the prevention of crime and disorder and the prevention of harm to children objectives of the Licensing Act 2003 have been undermined between January 2023 and February 2024 and in February 2025.




The Eyna
East Mayne
SS13 1BW
The grounds of the review are that there are grounds to believe the license holder has failed to meet the licensing objectives of prevention of crime and disorder, as illegal working has been identified at this premises.19.03.202516.04.2025 


The Licensing Authority

  • Address
    • The Licensing Authority
    • Basildon Council
    • The Basildon Centre
    • St Martins Square
    • Basildon, Essex
    • SS14 1DL
    • United Kingdom
  • Telephone 01268 206925