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Pollution Control - Construction Sites

A certain amount of noise is inherent in most construction and building operations however, if a construction site is located near to noise sensitive properties then strict controls are exercised over activities.


The Local Authority can impose restrictions on the hours of operation for activities involving plant and machinery which create increased levels of noise.  Hours of operation commonly imposed by Basildon Council are as follows:-

Monday - Friday (inclusive)

08:00 hrs - 18:00 hrs


08:00 hrs - 13:00 hrs

Sunday and Public Holidays

No works that create noise clearly audible at the site boundary

These time restrictions do not apply to other work activities that do not give rise to noise disturbance (such as internal fittings, electrical wiring etc.).

Please note that in certain circumstances, operations outside these hours may be agreed by the Council if it is demonstrated that the works cannot be carried out at any other time and that the plant and equipment being used are operated and maintained in such a way that the amount of noise created is kept to a minimum.


The law used to control construction site noise is the Control of Pollution Act 1974. Only noise (including vibration) is covered. Any issues concerning related dust, fumes, or any other environmental problem must be dealt with as a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Guidance for contractors for noise reduction on construction sites is given in BS 5228 - 1: 2009 + A1: 2014 Noise and Vibration Control on Construction and Open Sites.

Further Action

If you have further concerns regarding a construction site, or would like more advice or information, please contact us.