Housing the People
The work of the Basildon Development Corporation started in 1951...

The work of the Basildon Development Corporation started in 1951 with the first new homes being built in Vange and Fryerns. Many of the first new tenants were construction workers brought in to help with the development of the town.
The early estates were very open with a high standard of landscaping. Garages were as rare as cars in those early days.

The Development Corporation had a policy to build a wide range of homes for all sectors of the community including those on higher incomes and the elderly.
In the Development Corporations' first 21 years, they built 15,169 properties for rent and 286 for sale. 535 were also built by private developers and Housing Associations. Basildon Council was also a major housing provider, building over 2000 homes between 1946 and 1981.
In 1963 there was a shift from the traditional form of house building to system build, to enable more housing to be provided for less money. Many of the estates built during that time won awards but have not stood the test of time.

The Council took over most of the housing stock in 1994. There was a real need for regeneration of estates by that time and new ways had to be found of achieving this. Partnership working with Housing Associations on various projects has brought great benefits to tenants in recent years in raising housing standards and the environment of estates.