The Local Government Ombudsman

The Local Government Ombudsman investigates complaints about most Council matters including housing allocations, benefits, planning, and Council Tax. 

If you have made a complaint to Basildon Council and you are still dissatisfied after you have gone through the complete complaints process, you can then ask the Ombudsman to take up the case on your behalf.

Contacting the Ombudsman

  • Online: Local Government Ombudsman (opens new window) - you can find lots more detailed information and guides for making your complaint, as well as an online complaint form.
  • Telephone:  0300 061 0614 or 0845 602 1983 (Including textphone users using Typetalk)
  • Email: Sorry, the Ombudsman does not accept written correspondence by email
  • Fax: 024 7682 0001.
  • Text: 'call back' to 0762 480 4299.
  • Write to: The Local Government Ombudsman, PO Box 4771, Coventry CV4 0EH.

Don't forget - before you contact the Ombudsman, you should always make an official complaint direct to Basildon Council first.

See, .