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Care of animals and pets.

Precautions when dealing with pets and animals during a major emergency

  • Do not touch animal carcasses they can present a serious health risk.
  • Rats may become a problem especially after floods. Secure food supplies and contact environmental health if you see rats.
  • If you sustain a bite from an animal seek medical attention immediately.

Care of pets during a major emergency.

If you are told to evacuate many rest centres are unable to accommodate animals therefore it will be best to leave your pets at home in an environment they know.

Pets can usually survive for a couple of days if they have a water supply.

Pets may be housed away from you during evacuation, ensure they have a proper identification tag securely fastened to their collar if applicable.

A current photograph or a microchip insert will assist identification if necessary.

If you must take your pet make sure you have a secure pet carrier or leash for them.

Make sure you cater for your animal in your emergency supply kit - add pet food, water, medication, litter box, vets records and contact details.

Care of larger animals during a major emergency.

It may be impossible to evacuate large animals such as horses or cattle.

Animal owners must decide to either move their animals to shelter or turn them out.

This decision should be based on the incident type, quality and location of shelter and the risks involved in turning them out.

If the advice is to take shelter, animals should also be sheltered.

Make sure they have enough food and water and some form of identification.

Care of wildlife during a major emergency.

Animals are unpredictable by nature and will be more so in the uncertainty of emergencies.

Do not approach wild or stray domestic animals even if injured, do not corner them, as they are likely to feel threatened and may endanger themselves, or you if approached.