Food Safety - Service Aims
To ensure that food is, or will be, having regard to further processing, safe to eat.
How Will We Do This?
- We will maintain an up to date register of all food premises in the Basildon Borough.
- We will inspect all food premises on a risk based, rolling programme in accordance with the current codes of practice and take enforcement action as necessary.
- We will investigate all complaints about food businesses or food sold within the district, to ascertain the cause of any problem and prevent a recurrence.
- We will monitor the movement of unfit food into and out of the Basildon Borough and seize, detain and destroy as necessary, any food found upon inspection to be contaminated or unfit.
- We will carry out food sampling programmes coordinated by Essex Food Group, Regional Bodies and LACORS.
- We will approve food businesses whose activities require them to meet additional requirements under European Law.
- We will provide advice and information to businesses and consumers on food safety issues.
- We will comment on proposed food legislation, codes of practice and other official documents as necessary and as requested.
If you would like any advice or guidance about any of these food issues,
or if you would like to take part in a training course,
or if you wish to make a complaint about food you have purchased
or if you need to report the condition of any food premises in the Borough.