Report an Abandoned Vehicles
Report an Abandoned Vehicle

Before contacting us please read the 'Definition of an abandoned Vehicle' below.
It is a criminal offence to abandon a vehicle. The penalty is a fine of £2500 and / or 3 months imprisonment.
Definition of an Abandoned Vehicle
An abandoned vehicle is any vehicle which the owner no longer wants that has been left on open land to which the public have access.
The vehicle may be in poor condition, unmoved for some time, untaxed or vandalised.
There is a legal procedure which the Council must follow when dealing with abandoned vehicles. Please bear in mind that as the registered keeper it is your responsibility to keep untaxed/SORN/Accident damaged vehicles off of the public highway. You may be required to meet any costs of recovering the vehicle, including removal and storage costs.
Untaxed Vehicles
Since October 1st 2014, the DVLA has not issued paper tax discs - all tax discs are now electronic. For more information see GOV.UK - Vehicle tax disc abolished: changes you need to know (opens new window)
If you suspect that a vehicle in your area may be untaxed, please enter the details at GOV.UK - Check if a Vehicle is Taxed (opens new window) to check before reporting it to Basildon Council.
Frequently Asked Questions
What action does the Council take when it receives a report of an abandoned vehicle?
Depending on the result of DVLA enquiries a Council sticker may be attached to the vehicle asking the Owner/Keeper to claim it within 7 days. If the vehicle is unsafe/insecure, immediate clearance may be ordered. If a vehicle is untaxed or SORN on public land or highway, we will arrange for appropriate enforcement action, i.e. vehicle removal.
Claims will only be accepted if made in writing, giving the owners name and address.
The Council will contact vehicle owners if possible and make enquiries to establish that a vehicle is in fact abandoned. Only then will removal instructions be issued.
Circumstances will dictate whether the vehicle is immediately disposed of or stored for 7 days
Proof of ownership and a release fee are required to claim a vehicle from storage. If you feel your vehicle may have been removed our Storage Contractor is:
Redcorn LtdDenver Industrial EstateFerry Lane NorthRainhamEssexRM13 9BVTelephone: 01708526760
Does the Council sell abandoned vehicles?
Abandoned vehicles are generally old and potentially too unsafe to be returned to use. They are normally crushed as scrap metal and the DVLA are advised of their destruction.
Who pays for the removal of abandoned vehicles? - You do!
Most of the cost is met by Council Tax payers, but where an owner can be traced we will send the owner a bill for the amount of the statutory Removal and Disposal charge. Since January 2004, changes in the law hold the registered keeper responsible for abandoned vehicles. Removal and Disposal charges are set by central Government and a breakdown of these can be seen on the (opens new window)website.
Types of Problem Vehicles
Vehicles in a dangerous condition
The Council has powers to remove dangerous vehicles from the Highway. If the vehicle is untaxed and has no registered keeper, it may be removed immediately. Otherwise, a notice giving 24 hours warning of its destruction will be attached to any dangerous vehicle of no intrinsic value.
Stolen vehicles
If enquiries establish that a vehicle is stolen, the Police will arrange to remove it immediately, unless it is burnt out.
Burnt out vehicles
Vehicle fires are caused by an electrical fault or arson, often following the theft of the vehicle. The relevant insurance company should move these.
However, because of the toxic material present the Council may dispose of any vehicles not removed within 24 hours if considered to be a hazard to the public.
Vehicles causing an obstruction
This is a Police matter and the Council has no powers to remove vehicles blocking driveways, garages etc.
The meaning of 'Police Aware' stickers
The Police affix such notices to vehicles to inform the public that they are aware of the vehicle. This does not mean that the Council is informed of the vehicle.
Nuisance vehicles
These are perhaps not roadworthy, not taxed or being worked on by their owners. The abandoned vehicle legislation does not give the Council powers to remove vehicles that have been claimed by their owners, unless they are in a dangerous condition. However, the Council works with the Police and DVLA in partnership to try to resolve nuisance problems. Only the Police can pursue road traffic offences.
Vehicles on land owned by the Housing Department
Council Officers have the power to revoke parking rights and remove vehicles from land that is owned by the Housing Department.
Vehicles on private land
The Council has a duty to remove abandoned vehicles on private land, subject to the landowner's authority. It has no powers to remove vehicles which are claimed by their owners.
Vehicles on the following roads: A127, A130, A13, & A1245
Basildon Council also deals with abandoned vehicles on these main routes providing that they fall within Basildon Borough boundaries.