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In the news: Leader of Basildon Council urges residents to have their say as the council sets its budget for 2025/26

Basildon Council receives around 14% of the council tax residents pay

The Budget Consultation is a chance for residents and businesses to share their views on how the council should prioritise its spending for the next financial year.

The consultation seeks people's views on the average costs of council services, ways the council can generate income, and the setting of council tax for the upcoming financial year.

The consultation will ensure that the council's resources are focused on the areas that are of most importance to residents and businesses in the borough.

Basildon Council receives a fraction of residents' Council Tax to help fund vital services for local people and businesses. Basildon Council's proportion of the Council Tax bill is 14%, as outlined below:

  • 71% - Essex County Council     
  • 14% - Basildon Borough Council     
  • 11% - Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner     
  • 4% - Essex Police, Fire and Crime Authority     

The consultation is available online - Budget Consultation. Alternatively, residents can call the council on 01268 533333 to complete the survey over the phone.

Councillor Gavin Callaghan, Leader of Basildon Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Regeneration, stressed the importance of resident engagement in the budget setting process: "Setting a balanced budget is essential to ensure that the council can allocate resources effectively - protecting the vital services that our residents rely on while maintaining the financial stability of the council. With the ongoing national financial pressures, councils across the country are facing significant challenges. Basildon is not immune to these challenges; we know it's going to be tough.

"Despite this, our priority remains clear - we will set a balanced budget using your feedback that reflects the wants and needs of our communities. This is your money, and your opportunity to have your say.

"I encourage all residents and businesses to have their say before the consultation closes on 27 October, ahead of the final budget setting next year."

Feedback from the consultation will be used to inform the budget setting and council tax for 2025/26, which will be presented to Full Council next year.

The consultation will close on 27 October 2024.


Published 8 October 2024