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In the news: Basildon Council Takes Action Against Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse, Slavery and Violence Against Women & Girls

On Monday 29th July Cllr Gavin Callaghan, Leader of Basildon Council, convened a roundtable with partners and stakeholders from across the borough to address the pressing issue of domestic violence, sexual abuse, slavery and violence against women and girls (VAWG).

Decorative image showing Roundtable event
The event underscored the severity of these crimes and reaffirmed the Council's commitment to prioritising community safety and housing.

"Domestic violence is a scourge that affects over 3,000 individuals and 500 children in Basildon each year. Tragically it can often result in death and leave lasting scars on survivors and their communities," stated Cllr Callaghan. "These scars can take decades to heal. It is a crime that thrives in silence and secrecy."

The roundtable brought together representatives from key organisations, including Changing Pathways, Essex Police, the Sophie Hayes Foundation, and various council departments, to discuss actionable strategies for combating domestic violence. Attendees examined data, shared insights, and, most importantly, listened to those working on the front lines.

From the meeting, several concrete steps emerged:

  1. Appointment of Councillor Champions:
  • Cllr Victoria Joseph, Deputy Mayor of Basildon, is appointed as the Ending Domestic and Sexual Abuse Champion.
  • Cllr Jessica Power, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Skills, and Local Economy, is appointed as the Ending Modern Slavery Champion.
  • Both Councillors will collaborate to produce an annual report outlining progress and areas for improvement.

·  Basildon Business Training Accreditation Target:

  • The economic development team will identify businesses most likely to be in contact with victims and set training targets.
  • The goal is to significantly increase the number of businesses trained to spot signs of domestic abuse and slavery.
  • Business leaders will be invited to speak at the Basildon Business Leaders Group meeting in the autumn to raise awareness.

·  Mandatory Councillor Training:

  • Compulsory training for all Councillors to identify signs of domestic abuse and modern slavery will be introduced.

·  Public Awareness Campaign on Modern Slavery:

  • A campaign in conjunction with the Sophie Hayes Foundation will be launched to shine a light on modern slavery.

·  Survivor Freedom Fund:

  • The Survivor Freedom Fund will be launched to support survivors with financial assistance to leave abusive situations and rebuild their lives.

·  Correspondence with the Home Secretary:

  • A letter will be sent to the Home Secretary outlining key discussion points and the commitment to tackle these issues, including concerns regarding forensic and digital evidence gathering.

·  Correspondence with the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care:

  • A letter will be sent highlighting the need for more primary care support in Basildon, particularly training care navigators to spot signs of abuse and slavery. An invitation will be extended to discuss resource allocation for training in Essex.

·  Correspondence with the Secretary of State for Justice:

  • Concerns about CAFCAS will be raised, and a review of their work will be requested. An invitation to visit Basildon to discuss court-related issues will be extended.

·  Meeting with the Director for Adult Social Care:

  • A meeting will be requested to discuss threshold issues and the lack of visibility from ECC in discussions on domestic abuse, sexual violence, and slavery.

·  Investment Strategy:

  • A 10-year investment strategy will be developed to provide organisations with assurances about project funding, allowing significant progress in tackling these issues over the next decade.

In tandem with tackling domestic violence, Basildon Council is committed to combating modern slavery and human trafficking. Partnering with the Sophie Hayes Foundation, a funding bid will be co-created to enhance training and support services across local government. This initiative will include survivor-led audits to ensure processes are accessible and effective for victims. A report will be presented to Cabinet detailing the council's modern slavery champion and accountable person for monitoring the situation in the borough.

"Often people don't realise what is happening behind closed doors. Parents being abused by their children or siblings, grandparents being abused by their children and grandchildren. It can be a vicious circle and we have to find more ways to intervene earlier to stop the abuse escalating. Similarly many people won't understand how commonplace slavery is in our society. People who are imprisoned in homes and forced to work for no money and are continuously exploited. It is happening every day in our borough.

"I pledge to keep the reduction of domestic violence, sexual abuse, slavery and violence against women and girls at the forefront of our agenda. By working together, we can create a safer, more supportive environment for all residents, particularly those most vulnerable to violence and abuse. Together, we can make a difference."


Published 31 July 2024