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In the news: Councillors confirm new consultation on waste collections

The new consultation will include options to return to weekly collections for non-recyclable waste

Councillors approved proposals to launch a new borough-wide consultation on the frequency of waste collections at a meeting of Basildon Council's Cabinet on Thursday 18 July.

Following the decision, Basildon Council will formally notify Essex County Council of the plans to consult residents. The consultation will include the option to collect non-recyclable waste on a weekly basis. This step is required under the Inter Authority Agreement and allows the council to launch a consultation as soon as possible.

The consultation will inform the final proposals for the collection of non-recyclable waste, which will be presented to the Cabinet for approval later in the year.

Details of the consultation will be announced in due course.

The decision follows the recent launch of the incredibly successful Crunch Month - a borough-wide initiative to clean up local estates and review the council's approach to waste and recycling.

Cllr Aidan McGurran, Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure,said: "When we were elected to lead Basildon Council back in May we committed to residents that we would fix the bins. Since then, we have moved at pace to ensure we can reinstate weekly collections as quickly as we are able.

"The first step toward this is to engage with our residents and talk with the county council to make sure proper arrangements are in place before bringing forward options later in the year.

"This is a promise we made to local people and this decision shows that this administration intends to keep that promise."

Watch the full Cabinet meeting on Basildon Council's YouTube channel BasildonCouncil - YouTube .

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Published 19 July 2024