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Improving the perception of community safety

Our ambition is to ensure that people who live, work, or visit the borough feel safe.

We understand feelings or perceptions of crime and anti-social behaviour can differ from actual crime. 

In recent surveys, results have shown that feelings of safety both during the day and night have decreased, and we are working to address and change this through a programme of activity.  

The Safer Basildon Partnership hosts regular consultations and surveys to obtain feedback on the perception of crime in the borough, with responses used to inform our work. 

It is important that we understand the places and behaviours that make people feel unsafe, so we can identify ways to address the issues and concerns.  

Below are some of the ways we will achieve this: 

  • The regular deployment of Community Safety Wardens in targeted locations, including town centres and open spaces - providing a high visibility presence and reassurance, as well as acting as a deterrent for criminality.  

  • A programme of community engagement events takes place throughout the year as an opportunity to engage with residents and talk about the work that is being undertaken locally, with free crime prevention materials.  

  • Regular promotion of crime prevention advice to increase confidence and knowledge, building resilient communities.  

  • Introduction of a Women's Safety Charter to tackle violence against women and girls. The charter will see robust training for businesses and organisations to create safe spaces within the community.  

  • Designing out crime in local spaces by improving the physical environment through additional CCTV, cutting back trees and bushes, cleaning, and tidying, and generally making areas look and feel safer.  

Useful links 

Essex Police (opens new window)

Neighbourhood Watch (opens new window)