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Health and Wellbeing Strategy

We believe that everyone has the right to enjoy good health and wellbeing. This is why Basildon Council is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of borough residents and communities by working towards three key priorities;

•           reducing the prevalence of adult and child obesity

•           improving mental health and wellbeing

•           reducing health inequalities by tackling the wider determinants of health

This is Basildon Council's first Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which follows on from the 2018 Health and Wellbeing Policy that set the Council's direction for health and wellbeing. This strategy is key to making our ambitions a reality. By adopting a holistic approach that consider the impact our services have on the wider determinants of health, we believe we can have a greater impact on reducing health inequalities and thereby improve the health experienced by residents of the borough. Crucial to the success of this way of working is the involvement and contribution of our communities and partners who will shape and drive new approaches.

Through community engagement and the use of external existing data, we have gathered and developed a rich understanding of the ambitions from our residents and our local businesses, and identified actions  we can collectively take as an organisation, ensuring that we work effectively with partners to achieve these. We will build on existing relationships and develop new ones with stakeholders where needed, strengthening existing partnerships across the Borough to ensure we work effectively together. We know that much great work already happens within communities, often informally, and by harnessing the strengths of the Borough we can create a place where people are healthier, happier, independent and active.


The Health and Wellbeing Strategy also has a related Policy which can be found here