Basildon for Business - The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)
The purpose of this Investment Plan is to set out how Basildon intends to spend the £1,281,877 of UKSPF funding that it has been allocated between 2022 and 2025, to achieve the overarching goal of Building Pride of Place and Increasing Life Chances, in Basildon Borough.
On the 5th December 2022, we received a notification from DLUHC about the outcome of the validation of our UKSPF Investment Plan, which required two minor amendments to the deliverables spreadsheet. Following further communication, our UKSPF Investment Plan was formally approved on 13 of January 2023.
The purpose of this web page is to publish information about the membership and work of the Basildon Borough UKSPF Investment Panel and provide details of the lead officer responsible for co-ordinating the process of developing the prospectus.
In publishing this information, we welcome approaches from a range of partner organisations who may want to understand more about the process and what the potential proposals are.
Prior to the submission of the Investment Plan we scheduled three Basildon Borough UKSPF Investment Panels, which were held virtually to agree the Investment Plan. Following approval, the Committee will continue to meet, in order to oversee the implementation of the plan.
For more information about the work of the Committee and these meetings, please click on any of the links below. For ease, we have also included a summary of the main elements of our UKSPF Investment Plan below (i.e., the evidence base, proposed priorities, outcomes, outputs and indicative budget):
- Basildon Borough UKSPF Draft Terms of Reference UKSPF Draft Terms of Reference (PDF) [223KB] (opens new window)
- Membership of the Basildon UKSPF Investment Panel UKSPF Investment Panel Membership (PDF) [74KB] (opens new window)
- Abridged Basildon Borough UKSPF Investment Plan - showing evidence base, proposed priorities, outcomes, outputs and indicative budget UKSPF Investment Plan Summary (PDF) [557KB] (opens new window)
In addition to the above, we plan to consult with a range of partners and are open to meeting with stakeholders who may want to understand more about the process.
The officer responsible for leading the process to develop the Basildon Borough UKSPF Investment Plan is the Head of Economic Development, Jim Sims. He can be contacted on (opens new window)
Meeting Papers
Basildon Borough UKSPF Panel Meeting - 27 May 2022
- UKSPF Investment Panel agenda - 27 May 2022 (PDF) [143KB] (opens new window)
- UKSPF Investment Panel Draft Terms of Reference - 27 May 2022 (PDF) [219KB] (opens new window)
- UKSPF Investment Panel Briefing Paper - 27 May 2022 (PDF) [328KB] (opens new window)
- UKSPF Investment Panel presentation - 27 May 2022 (PDF) [908KB] (opens new window)
- UKSPF Investment Panel meeting notes - 27 May 2022 (PDF) [398KB] (opens new window)
Basildon Borough UKSPF Panel - 29 June 2022
- UKSPF Investment Panel agenda - 29 June 2022 (PDF) [146KB] (opens new window)
- Current Initiatives and past ERDF/ESF schemes (PDF) [204KB] (opens new window)
- UKSPF Basildon Investment Panel presentation - 29 June 2022 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
- UKSPF Investment Panel minutes - 29 June 2022 (PDF) [523KB] (opens new window)
Basildon Borough UKSPF Panel Meeting - 19 July 2022
- Basildon UKSPF Investment Panel agenda - 19 July 2022 (PDF) [90KB] (opens new window)
- UKSPF Investment Panel Meeting presentation - 19 July 2022 (PDF) [971KB] (opens new window)
- UKSPF Investment Panel meeting notes - 19 July 2022 (PDF) [410KB] (opens new window)
Basildon Borough UKSPF Panel Meeting - 7 October 2022
- Basildon Borough UKSPF Investment Panel agenda - 7 October 2022 (PDF) [140KB] (opens new window)
- UKSPF Panel – Year One Mobilisation Plan (PDF) [201KB] (opens new window)
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is the government's domestic replacement for the European Structural and Investment Programme (ESIF) which the UK continues to participate in until 2023. The ESIF programme was essential for local regeneration, employment and skills.