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Safer Basildon Partnership - Lift it, Lock It or Lose it Campaign

It is vitally important that you lock your UPVC front door properly. It takes less than 15 seconds to break into a house if the front door is not locked properly.

A house that is left insecure is an attractive target for thieves.

Burglars can strike at any time but most burglaries can be prevented by securing your home.

Most burglars are opportunists and in 3 out of 10 burglaries, access is gained through an open door or window.

Burglars love it when you make their job easier for them. There are simple steps you can take to beat the burglar.

Advice on how to beat the burglars

To find out more about how to stop the burglars getting into your home, visit the Essex Police website for advice on securing:

  • Windows and doors
  • Sheds and garages
  • Alarms and lighting
  • Walls and fences
  • Gardens

See Essex Police - Burglary Prevention Advice (opens new window).