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In the news: Fun and free Backside to Trackside programme is back this Autumn

The award-winning and free Backside to Trackside programme is back this Autumn to help improve both residents' physical and mental health in a social environment.

Backside to Trackside is a nine-week fitness programme with professional and motivational coaching to help residents develop the skills to walk, jog or run five kilometres. It's run by Basildon Council in partnership with Everyone Active and Active Basildon.

The programme is open to anyone who lives or works in the Basildon borough, and friends, colleagues, families, and individuals are all encouraged to register and participate. 

The nine-week programme will start on Tuesday 4 October with weekly sessions taking place at the Basildon Sporting Village. There is a choice of four sessions to book onto each week to suit participants' schedules.

Over a hundred residents were supported through our successful summer Backside to Trackside, with the programme also winning the Active Wellbeing Award at both the Basildon and Essex Activity Awards.

Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing, Leisure, Arts & Culture, Cllr Jeff Henry said: "Backside to Trackside is a really great programme. The facilities are excellent, the quality of coaching provided is second to none, and it's totally free to join.

"The programme not only helps to improve your fitness, but more importantly the participants really do have fun. There's a real community feel and it's great to see.

"So get out in the fresh air, make friends with fellow residents, and get your Backside to the Trackside!"

The registration window is now open and is scheduled to close on Tuesday 13 September. However, once capacity is reached, the window will close - so register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

To sign-up online now visit: