Report a Food Hygiene/Contamination Problem

Use this form to let Environmental Health Services know if you have observed poor hygiene in a local food outlet; have bought food which is contaminated or unsafe; or wish to bring any other food safety concerns to our attention.

On receiving your complaint, a food safety officer will contact you and if necessary arrange to see you within 2 working days, to complete the complaint details and collect any offending food items.

If you are making a complaint about a food item which you still have in your possession it is important that you store it correctly and as soon as possible to avoid any deterioration of the food.

  • Foods such as salads, milk, canned foods, bottled foods should be refrigerated. Store the food in a sealed container or bag in the freezer.
  • Dry foods, e.g. pasta, flour, biscuits do not need to be refrigerated or frozen.
  • If the complaint is about insects in food which may still be alive (usually in dry goods) seal the packet and the insects together in another bag or plastic container.

On receiving your complaint, a food safety officer will contact you and if necessary arrange to see you within 2 working days, to complete the complaint details and collect any offending food items.