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Financial Strategies and Regulations

Basildon Council's Financial Regulations, Financial Strategy and Treasury Management Strategy guide and support financial activity within the authority.

Financial Regulations

Basildon Council is committed to the delivery of quality services and so needs to be responsive to the changing demands and expectations of its customers. In support of this aim the Council has an agreed set of Financial Regulations providing the overall framework within which Members and officers must operate. These Financial Regulations form part of the Council's Constitution and are supported by Financial Procedure Notes (which are internal documents).

See:  (See page 153).

Medium Term Financial Strategy

The Council's Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) sets out how the overall financial objectives underpin the Council's Corporate Plan. The strategy includes a summary of the national financial context together with key financial principles affecting the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account and Capital budgets. The MTFS is approved by Cabinet each year as part of the budget setting process.


Treasury Management Strategy

Treasury management is a key element of the Council's overall financial management arrangements. It relates to the Council's borrowing and investment activities and the effective management of the associated risks. These activities are strictly regulated and Full Council must annually approve a strategy for the expected treasury management activity in the forthcoming financial year. The Treasury Management Strategy is published here as part of the annual Budget Report.

See: Capital and Investment Strategy (incl. Treasury Management Strategy) - 2021/22 (PDF) [1MB]