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Report street cleaning issues

Basildon Council's Street Cleaning Programme

Do it Online - Report a need for street cleaning
 Report a need for street cleaning here

Main roads in the Basildon Borough are swept every three months. If the cleanliness of an area becomes unacceptable sweeps will be carried out more frequently. This is a statutory requirement laid out by the Litter Code of Practice under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Basildon Council is responsible for keeping the Borough clean and litter free.

We will:

  • Clean the Town Centres daily
  • Clean roads every 2-3 weeks
  • Sweep roads every 3 months
  • Remove accumulation of rubbish from Council land
  • Clear spillage from domestic bins and ripped sacks
  • Empty litter bins when they are full
  • Help with any locally organised clean up

You can help us by:

  • Being tidy with your litter and chewing gum
  • Using our free tips
  • Having waste collection contracts for your business
  • Not leaving out your refuse and recycling until the morning of your collection by 7.30am
  • Not leaving your dog's mess behind
  • Not parking where you want us to clean

Street Litter and Dog Waste Bins

Litter in a public place is unsightly and dangerous.

Litter ranges in size from a single sweet wrapper to a bag full of rubbish. The Environment Protection Action 1990 states that if a person drops, throws, deposits or leaves anything that causes defacement in a public place, they are committing an offence. The fine for littering is £75.

There are over 500 litter bins in the Basildon Borough for the disposal of litter and bagged dog waste. Each bin is emptied when it is full.

Report a problem with a litter bin or request a litter bin at a new location via our Online form - Report street cleaning needed

Dumped Shopping Trolleys

Dumped shopping trolleys can reduce the amenity of our neighbourhoods. This act causes visual pollution and obstruction to public areas. It could also create safety hazards to pedestrians and motorists.

Please help us keep our Borough clean and safe.

Reporting dumped shopping trolleys to Trolleywise

Please report dumped shopping trolleys from any of the following shops to Trolleywise.

  • Tesco - B&Q - Lidl - Home Bargains - Iceland.

You can report an abandoned shopping trolley in your community to Trolleywise by any of the following methods...

Download the Trolleywise App now from the:

or contact Trolleywise:


  • Asda

Please see below the contact details for Collex;

They also have a free to download App, on Apple and Android. No log in required, or details, just GPS where residents can drop a GPS pin where they found the trolley(s) and Collex will come and collect.

Report dumped shopping trolleys direct to their retailer

For all other trolleys please contact the retailer direct. You should clearly identify the issue, specify the location and provide any other relevant information.

Select the retailer you wish to report a dumped trolley to.

For all other trolleys please identify the retailer and contact their customer services. Contact details can be found on the 'Contact Us' section of their website.

The Council does not collect trolleys on behalf of retailers. If you wish to report a retailer's failure to remove a trolley please complete our Online form - Report street cleaning needed (opens new window).