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Privacy Notice - Vange Survey

The purpose of this Privacy Notice is to explain how and for what purposes we process your personal data. It applies to responses taken from a survey being conducted in the Vange Ward (March 2021) in order to gain a better understanding of the problems that residents are experiencing in the area and estate in which they live. The results will help us and other landlords improve our services.

Why we are collecting your data?

Basildon Borough Council is asking to collect your personal data so that elected Members and specific Council Officers can include your views and comments as part of the overall feedback to the landlord whom you receive a service from.

Information Collected

  • Name and Address
  • Contact Details (email and/or telephone number)
  • Number of persons living in your household
  • Time you have lived at this address in years
  • Name of your landlord

Why we need your data

Basildon Borough Council are asking to collect your personal data so that elected Members and specific Council Officers can collate your views and comments to include them in overall feedback to the landlord whom you receive a service from.

Data is collected from

  • Emails
  • Online surveys
  • Phone
  • Website and social media

The basis for the processing

The lawful basis for processing are set out below in Article 6 of GDPR.

Personal Data:

6(1)(a): Consent of the data subject - The basis for collecting your data is via your consent only and by voluntary participation.

Special Category Data:

We will not be collecting any special category data and will not ask you to disclose any to us.

Who your information will be shared with

  • The landlord who you receive a service from
  • Elected Members of the Basildon Borough
  • Specific Officers in Basildon Borough Council

We will never sell your data, however it will be shared with third parties to:

  • Comply with legal obligations and legislative requirements
  • Help business partners, suppliers and sub-contractors to deliver any contract we enter with them or you
  • To help if there is need of any professional or legal advice on a matter relating to you
  • To help prevent fraud and/or tackle crime
  • To improve and optimise the performance of our services
  • To advise agencies where there are safeguarding concerns

We will not:

  • Use your information for marketing or sales purposes without your prior explicit consent.
  • Send or store your data abroad unless it meets the requirements of the Data Protection regulations
  • Make decisions about you based on automated processing

Provide accurate information

We need to hold accurate and up to date information about you so that we can deliver appropriate services. If any of your details change, you need to tell us as soon as possible so that we can update your records.

We will not:

  • Use your information for marketing or sales purposes without your prior explicit consent.

  • Send or store your data abroad unless it meets the requirements of the Data Protection regulations.

  • Make decisions about you based on automated processing.

How long will we hold your data for?

Personal details in relation to this survey will be held for a total of 24 months on a secure system with access only by specific personnel in Basildon Council. Details will be deleted after this period.

Your rights

You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you. Any access requests are free of charge. If the information we hold about you is inaccurate, you have a right to have this corrected and you have the right to request completion of incomplete data. You have the right to ask us to erase your personal data in certain circumstances ('right to be forgotten').

You have the right to ask us to stop or restrict the processing of your personal data, in certain circumstances. Where possible, we will seek to comply with your request, but we may need to hold or process information to comply with a legal requirement.

You can make any of these requests by:

The Data Protection Officer
Basildon Borough Council
Basildon Centre,
St. Martin's Square,
SS14 1DL.

If you are dissatisfied with how we have used your personal information, you can complain to the Information Commissioner's Office, by:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Further independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues is available from the Information Commissioner's Office, see: