Apprentice Disregard/Reduction - Council Tax Discount/Exemption
Where an apprentice is living in a property the Council Tax payer may be entitled to a 25% Council Tax Apprentice Disregard or Reduction.
What discount is available?
To increase support for single parents and school leavers, Basildon Council offer a 25% council tax disregard or reduction when an apprentice is living in a property. Any disregards or reductions will last for the term of the apprenticeship.
Am I eligible for an apprentice disregard or reduction?
In a household including two people aged 18 or over, the following applies; if one adult resident is an apprentice earning less than £195.00 per week, the council tax payer is eligible for a 25% council tax apprentice disregard.
From April 1 2021, If one adult resident is an apprentice earning more than £195.01 but less than £300 per week, the council tax payer will be eligible for a 25% council tax apprentice reduction.
Apply for an Apprentice Disregard or Reduction
Claim a Council Tax Apprentice Reduction
Please be advised; failure to notify us of a change in your circumstances within 21 days, or applying for a discount or exemption you are not entitled to, will result in a penalty of up to £280 being issued.