Report a Change affecting Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support
A change in your circumstances can affect the amount of Housing Benefit/Council Tax assistance you are entitled to. You may be issued a penalty of up to £70 if you fail to report a change in your circumstances within one month of the change.
Are you using e-Services yet?
Join the thousands of residents who are using e-Services to manage their Council Tax and/or Housing Benefit accounts online. Report a change of circumstances with a few clicks from your secure account and be notified once your account is updated. Register or Sign into e-Services here
Report a Change of Address
If you move into a property or change address, this can affect the amount of Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax support you are entitled to.
If you're moving into the borough and need to register for Council Tax, please see: Moving House
The easiest way to tell us about a change of address is e-Services. However, if you're letting us know on behalf of someone else, please see the online form below.
Report a Change of Address Online (opens new window)
Report a Change of Housing Benefit Circumstances
If your circumstances change, this can affect the amount of Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax you pay and how much support you're entitled to. We need to know what the change is, the date the change occurred and who in your household it relates to.
Examples of changes can include;
- someone moving into or out of your household
- a change in the income and capital of anyone living in your household, such as a pay rise or a pay cut.
- a change in the number of people living in your home.
- you or your partner have a child
- your child leaves school
- your rent has increased or decreased (unless you are a council tenant)
- any other changes that might affect your entitlement to benefit, such as stopping or starting work
online change of circumstance form
Working-age claimants - IMPORTANT
For working-age claimants in receipt of Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction (CTR), you will need to complete the form above plus update your Council Tax details so the correct reduction can be applied. Use e-Services, or complete the form below -
Report a Council Tax Change (opens new window)
Report Self-Employed Earnings
If you, or someone you live with, has started self-employed work or had a change of earnings, let us know.
Using e-Services is the quickest way to tell us about any changes, you'll be notified as your account is updated. However, if you're letting us know on behalf of someone else, please see the online form(s) below.
In order to reassess your entitlement to Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction, we need you to complete two forms:
- If you are claiming Housing Benefit, please complete both the online self employed earnings form AND online Council Tax 'report a change' form.
- If you are only claiming Council Tax Reduction, please complete the online Council Tax 'report a change' form
Report a Death
If someone in the household has passed away, complete an online form to notify us.
Report a Death Online (opens new window)
Have you moved address due to fleeing violence?
Housing Benefit can be paid on two properties in some cases. Please complete this form to apply for this, Report Online - Change of address due to fleeing violence (opens new window).