Local Plan update - 25 October 2023
As part of the Local Plan process, we recently conducted a Regulation 18 Issues and Options Consultation which ran for ten weeks from Tuesday 27 June 2023 to Tuesday 5 September 2023.
We are currently analysing all comments that were received during the consultation and will report to Cabinet on the Consultation findings in early 2024.
In the meantime, we are holding two online sessions to present an initial overview of respondents' demographic characteristics and contribution sentiments that were received during the consultation. This will provide a flavour of who took part in the consultation and a high-level overview of how they felt about the different themes.
We will also use this opportunity to provide an update on next steps and to discuss how best to engage with you and the wider community as we continue on our journey to develop a new Local Plan.
The two sessions will be held on 16 November 2023, at 10:00-11:00 and 19:00-20:00 via MS Teams - these sessions are for residents of Basildon Borough only.
If you would like to take part, please email ResidentsFocusGroup@basildon.gov.uk stating which session you would like to attend.