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UKSPF Shared Prosperity Fund Call Specification - E24: New Future Occupant Grant

Applications are now open for Basildon Borough's E24: £30,000 Capital grant

Following the announcement of £1.2 million of UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) for Basildon Borough, we are pleased to announce that the first window for applications is now open for a New Future Venue Occupant.

Applications must be submitted by 9am Monday 13th January 2024

What do we mean by New Future Venue Occupant?

Earlier in 2024, Basildon Borough Council acquired a disused gym in the Westgate Retail Park in Basildon town centre. They transformed this into a meanwhile space to accommodate events such as community engagement workshops. The intention is to now find an organisation to take up occupancy in the Venue, offering a unique, high-profile workspace in the town centre and maximising its use so there will be activity throughout the day/week rather than just ad-hoc events.

The intention is for the occupant to use the Venue as a workspace alongside a varied programme of events/ business support and incubator workshops/training activities. These events could either be run by the Council or the occupant, depending on the agreement made. The Venue is currently confirmed as available until the end of 2025 but the Council would look to support the legacy of the project beyond this.

In line with our wider UKSPF aims, we are particularly keen to support organisations networking and collaboration, through interventions that bring together businesses and partners within and across sectors to share knowledge, expertise and resources, and stimulate innovation and growth - with he ultimate aim to support local businesses to thrive, innovate and grow. Promoting

Who can apply?

The funding, from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund is available to registered legal entities who undertake work that will support the delivery of E24: Funding for new and improvements to existing training hubs, business support offers, 'incubators' and 'accelerators' for local enterprise (including social enterprise) which can support entrepreneurs and start-ups through the early stages of development and growth by offering a combination of services including account management, advice, resources, training, coaching, mentorship and access to workspace.

The amount of funding available is £30,000.

Eligible activities include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Setting up a functional workspace in the New Future Venue
  • Creating jobs and boosting community cohesion
  • Promoting networking and collaboration, sharing knowledge and stimulating innovation and growth

All the necessary documentation and the application form can be found below:

Please note: There will be no further funding calls in 24/25 if all of our available funding is allocated in this round.

If you have any queries or wish to speak with a member of the team in more detail, please email