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In the news: Tell us how you feel in our climate change consultation

Tell us how you feel in our climate change consultation.

Basildon Council has launched a consultation to find out residents' thoughts on climate change, and their feelings about and use of active travel around the borough.

Issues around climate change are certainly a hot topic on the news and on social media in the current time, and we want to know the perspective of the residents of Basildon.

The consultation is split into three sections: the first being us wanting your general opinions about climate change, the second being a response to each element of the council's new Climate Change Strategy, and the last section is around active travel; how residents choose to travel around the borough.

We are offering a prize draw for a gift voucher for a local business of your choice for all fully completed surveys. There are 3 prizes on offer to the value of £50, £20 and £10. 

Cabinet Member for Environment and Carbon Reduction, Councillor Kevin Blake, said: "We're committed to becoming a carbon net zero council by 2030 and a carbon net zero borough by 2050.

"To do that, we need the support of residents. All of us have a part to play to help combat climate change.

"This consultation is about seeing what you think. We want as many of you as possible to share your views, whatever view that is, so we can see what the general perspective of our residents is."

To complete the short consultation online, please visit: 


Published on Monday 05 December 2022