Public Inquiry - Appeal by Gleeson Land (formerly Gleeson Strategic Land Ltd) - 27 September 2022
The Inquiry referenced below closed on 14 October 2022: Correspondence from PINS closing the Kennel Lane Inquiry (PDF, 516 KB)(opens new window)
A Public Inquiry will be held opening at 10am on Tuesday 27 September 2022 in relation to an Appeal by Gleeson Land (formerly Gleeson Strategic Land Ltd) in respect of Planning Application No. 20/01614/OUT relating to Land North of Kennel Lane, Billericay CM12 9RR.
PUBLIC INQUIRY at the St George's Suite, The Basildon Centre, St Martin's Square, Basildon SS14 1DL with the facility to participate virtually
The Inquiry is scheduled to be held face to face on its opening on Day 1 (with the facility to participate virtually) and will revert to a fully virtual event thereafter. Please continue to check this page for details of any changes to this format.
OPENING ON: 27 September 2022 at 10.00am
The Inquiry will be live streamed on the Council's YouTube Channel:
Planning Application No: 20/01614/OUT
Proposed Development: Outline planning application with all matters reserved, except means of access, for the erection of up to 200 homes; new vehicular access comprising a new arm off the Laindon Road, A176 and Noak Hill Road roundabout; realignment of Kennel Lane to join the new access and associated closure of the Kennel Lane spur; together with car parking, landscaping, surface water drainage basins and associated works.
Site Address: Land North of Kennel Lane, Billericay CM12 9RR
The Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State is C Dillon BA (Hons) MRTPI who will hold an Inquiry opening on the date shown above to decide the appeal.
Members of the public may attend the Inquiry and, at the Inspector's discretion, express their views. Please note that there is limited capacity at the venue.
If you wish to participate in the Inquiry in person or virtually please contact the Local Planning Authority (email: or telephone: 01268 533333) for details of how to do so as soon as possible prior to the Inquiry.
Documents relating to the appeal can be viewed at the Council offices by prior arrangement or on the Council website: (search by Application No. 20/01614/OUT).
The Inquiry timetable is available here Inquiry Timetable (PDF, 198 KB)(opens new window)
The Core Documents Library is available here:
The Planning Inspectorate Reference is: APP/V1505/W/22/3298599
The Case Officer contact at the Planning Inspectorate is Aisosa Charles.
Tel: 0303 444 5519; E-Mail:
When made, the decision will be published online at:
Please refer to the Data Protection Act about how the Council uses your data: