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In the news: Apprentices share their story to mark National Apprenticeship Week

Former apprentice Claire Evans has worked with Basildon Council since 2013. Here, Claire talks about her journey with Basildon Council and how the apprenticeship scheme was the perfect starting point.

1 October 2013 marked day one of my apprenticeship with Basildon. I had not long left school and I didn't know what I wanted my future would look like, but knew I needed to do something rewarding and that made a difference to people's lives. Working for local government has allowed me to do just that.

During my first two years I gained experience across a variety of services including customer services, electoral services and communications while studying a business admin and customer service qualification. I had the opportunity to get involved in organisation-wide projects, which allowed me to build strong networks and gain understanding of the council and what it was like to work in local government.

I went on to a higher apprenticeship for a further two years gaining further knowledge and skills in project management, recruitment, HR and learning and development while completing an ILM 4 in leadership and management.

During both apprenticeships I was supported by fantastic mentors, colleagues, and managers here at Basildon, and I still use the advice, techniques, and skills I gained from them in my role today.

I am proud to still work for Basildon, as a learning and development officer and I am lucky enough to work and support young individuals to offer them the opportunity of an apprenticeship that I had. I wouldn't be where I am today without the experience I received so I feel privileged to be able to offer that opportunity to others and help them on their journey!

If you are thinking of applying for an apprenticeship role, even if you don't know what you want to do, I couldn't recommend it enough.

If you are interested in joining team Basildon as one of our apprentices, please visit our website to apply - 

I will also be in The Advice Store Wednesday 16 February 11am to 1pm, and I'll be hosting a live Q&A on the council's Facebook page Friday 11 February, 3.30pm to 5pm if you have any questions about our apprenticeship scheme!


Published on 11 February 2022