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5 November 2020 - 13 December 2020 Youth Zone Consultation

A consultation to further understand the needs of young people in the borough to help shape the future grant funding scheme for youth activity.

An update on the consultation was provided at the meeting of the Neighbourhoods and Public Spaces Committee on 10 March 2021.

  • 296 total responses were received

Minutes from this meeting are summarised below.

Youth Zone Update:

To receive a verbal update and presentation on the Youth Zone public engagement process.


The Committee received a presentation setting out an overview of the findings from the Youth Zone consultation, which had been undertaken between 5 November and 13 December 2020.

It was reported that the survey had been completed by 296 participants and the results were felt to give a good flavour of the thoughts and feelings of young people in the borough towards the questions posed in the consultation; however it was thought that care should be taken not to generalise or draw specific conclusions from the data/findings. The questions covered areas such as what young people do in the evenings and weekends, what activities they would be interested in, and how a Youth Zone would help. The final question, whether participants would like to be a member of a Youth Zone, had a very positive response.

Now that schoolchildren have returned to school, that officers undertake further engagement with them through the schools.