Privately rented homes - Overcrowding
If you think you or your family are living in overcrowded conditions, we will try to advise you of the options available to you.
If you are living in overcrowded conditions we will try to advise you of the options available to you. We will, where possible, remedy 'statutory overcrowding' and may consider legal action in some cases.
The assessment of overcrowding takes into account the number of habitable rooms and their sizes and the gender and age of the occupants. If, as a result of the assessment, your home is defined as overcrowded, we can advise you of the options available to you.
If you are a tenant living in crowded conditions you can consider moving to a more suitably sized property, with the assistance of your agent, landlord or other accommodation agencies.
If you are a tenant of a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) or Housing Association (HA) , you may find your landlord operates one or more schemes to help you find more suitable accommodation. To find out more contact your RSL or HA Housing Officer.
Our Environmental Health services can also provide landlords and managing agents with information and advice about overcrowding.
Further information and enquiries
- Enquiries please to our Environmental Health services. See contact details below.