Self Serve (Service Directory)
Do it Online! Use the links below to access, report or apply for services online. now.
Apply for
- Allotments
- Assisted Collection Service
- Become a Basildon Council Registered Supplier
- Building Control Regularisation Certificate
- Building Regulations Approval
- Bulky Waste Collection
- Burial Plots
- Business License
- Business Rates - Direct Debit Sign-Up
- Business Rates - Reductions or Relief
- Business Rates e-Services
- Clinical or Hazardous Waste Collection
- Commercial Waste Collection
- Community Grant Funding
- Conference, Hall and Meeting Room Hire
- Council Tax and Benefits e-servcices
- Council Tax Direct Debit Sign-Up
- Council Tax Discount or Exemption
- Council Tax Refund
- Environmental Health Services
- Environmental Information Request
- Food Safety Services
- Freedom of Information
- Garden Waste Subscription Service
- Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle
- A death
- Abandoned vehicle
- Animal (cruelty)
- Animal (noise or nuisance)
- Animal (stray or loose)
- Anti-Social Behaviour (general)
- Anti-Social Behaviour (public spaces protection order)
- Breach of planning control
- Cleanliness issues on streets or in open spaces
- Complaint or compliment
- Council housing repair
- Council tax (change in circumstance)
- Council tax (change of address)
- Council tax (moving house)
- Council tax (upload a document)
- Domestic abuse
- Drug paraphernalia
- Dumped rubbish
- Food hygiene or contamination problem
- Fraud
- Graffiti
- Grass cutting
- Harassment or noise from a council tenant
- House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Concern
- Housing benefit (self employed earnings)