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Basildon Borough Volunteer Awards Ceremony 2018

The annual Basildon Council Volunteer Awards celebrate the selfless help and support provided by the Borough's volunteers. This year the Volunteer Awards ceremony was held on Thursday, 25th October 2018 at Woodlands School.

Image promoting Basildon Borough Volunteer Awards 2018
All of this year's award nominees and their special guests were invited to this prestigious gala event, which was generously sponsored by a number of Basildon based businesses and voluntary bodies.

Entertainment was provided by the Artistic Performance Team from Woodlands School.

Winners of each category were presented with a trophy, a certificate of appreciation and a prize voucher by Councillor David Dadds, Mayor of Basildon and the award category sponsors.

Tony Guyon 'Volunteer of the Year' Memorial Cup

The winners of each award category are also put forward to win the prestigious Tony Guyon 'Volunteer of the Year' Memorial Cup. Tony Guyon was a popular and committed member of Basildon Council's Community Engagement Team who sadly passed away in 2010. Tony loved to spend his spare time volunteering in his local community and he played his part in helping to make Basildon a better borough. This special award embodies Tony Guyon's dedication towards volunteering.

This year's Tony Guyon 'Volunteer of the Year' Memorial Cup was awarded to Mary Pearne, who also received the Long Service Award.

image of Mary Pearne - Winner Tony Guyon Memorial Cup Volunteer Of The Year - Basildon Volunteer Awards 2018

Mary has been volunteering for the Wednesday Club at St Paul's Methodist Church Hall, Basildon since 1980. For most of that time Mary has been in charge of the club which provides weekly Wednesday activities enabling its members to participate in creative activities, social events including holidays away. The club also provides valuable respite for the families of its disabled members. Mary is a long standing and important ambassador for the disabled community in Basildon.

Tony Guyon 'Volunteer of the Year' Memorial Cup sponsored by:

Image showing the Pinnacle PSG brand logo


Pinnacle PSG (opens new window)


Volunteer Award Categories, Sponsors and Recipients

image of Poppy Ward - Winner Sunshine Award - Basildon Volunteer Awards 2018

The Sunshine Award  (11-21yrs)

(up to 25 years if additional needs)

Awarded to Poppy Ward - for participating in numerous community and fundraising events.

Sponsored by

Image shows the Swan Housing Association brand logo

image of Eunice Larwood - Winner Community Star Award - Basildon Volunteer Awards 2018

Community Star (over 18 years)

Awarded to Eunice Larwood - for working for 10 years at the Information Resource Service and the Clan Club which is a monthly group for children with Cancer and their siblings.

Sponsored by

Image showing the Clarion Housing Group brand logo


Inspirational Role Model Award

Awarded to Matthew Wright - for his Street Outreach in Basildon and being able to engage, respond and assess rough sleepers. 

Sponsored by

Image showing the Leonardo-Finmeccanica brand logo


image of Kool Carers - Winners Volunteer Project Award - Basildon Volunteer Awards 2018

Volunteer Project

Awarded to Kool Carers - for providing support to young carers under the age of 18 whose lives are restricted.

Sponsored by

Image showing the Costa Coffee brand logo


image of Mary Pearne - Winner Long Service Award - Basildon Volunteer Awards 2018

Long Service Award

Awarded to Mary Pearne -  for  40 years of work at the Wednesday club supporting disabled members and their families.

Presented by

Image showing brand logo of Basildon Billericay and Wickford CVS (Council for Voluntary Service)


image of The Wickford Wombles - Winner Voluntary Group Of The Year Award - Basildon Volunteer Awards 2018

Voluntary Group of the Year Award

Awarded to The Wickford Wombles -  for keeping Wickford clean and safe whilst also educating others about conservation and the environment.

Presented by

Image showing brand logo of Citizens Advice Basildon and Thurrock


image of Barbara Chapman and Norman Allen - Joint Winners Lifetime Achievement Award - Basildon Volunteer Awards 2018

Lifetime Achievement Award

Awarded jointly to Barbara Chapman and Norman Allen - for their tireless efforts at St Lukes Hospice, A combined total of 54 years volunteering in the pursuit of helping and caring for others.

Sponsored by 

Image showing Basildon Council brand logo


Further information and enquiries

For further information regarding the Volunteer Awards 2018, see contact details bottom of this page or...