Planning Appeals

Under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, there are, essentially, 3 types of appeal against decisions made by local planning authorities. GOV.UK - Appeal or search for a planning decision or notice (opens new window) has a range of information.

Appeals are made to the GOV.UK - Appeal or search for a planning decision or notice (opens new window)  and can be made on line or in paper form.

GOV.UK - Planning Appeals (opens new window)

Under S78 of the T&CP Act 1990 these can be made in the following circumstances:

  • an application has not been determined within the set time period (8 weeks for all but major development (13 weeks);
  • a refusal of planning permission;
  • some or all of the conditions attached to a planning permission considered to be unreasonable by the applicant

New Fast Track Householder Appeals.

A new fast track process for Householder Appeals is now being piloted by Basildon Council's Planning Services.

For further information regarding the fast track householder appeals process,
see, GOV.UK - Appeal a householder planning decision (opens new window)

GOV.UK - Appeal an enforcement notice (opens new window)

The service of an enforcement notice in respect of a breach of planning control.

GOV.UK - Appeal a decision about a lawful development certificate (opens new window)

  • in the event of an application seeking confirmation that a use, operation or activity is lawful for planning control purposes is refused.
  • in the event of an application seeking confirmation that a use, operation or activity is lawful for planning control purposes is not determined within the set time period (normally 8 weeks).

Only the applicants (or in the case of enforcement appeals the person(s) served with the notice(s)) can make an appeal.

All appeals lodged since October 2005 can be viewed on e-Planning applications - appeals online search (opens new window).

Where the following details relating to the appeals are updated on a daily basis:

  • site address
  • Council application reference number
  • description of development
  • appeal decision with date.

Please note that inspectors'/Secretary of State's decision letters can be viewed in Public Access under the relevant planning application number.