Licensing - Applications for a premises licence
If your premises are in Basildon Borough, you will need a premises licence from Basildon Council if you intend to sell alcohol or provide 'licensable activities' from that premises.
Licensable activities include:
- selling alcohol
- serving hot food and drinks between 11pm and 5am
- providing regulated entertainment
You still need a licence even if the activities are for charity.
For further information and guidance see GOV.UK - Premises licence (England and Wales) (opens new window).
Application forms
Premises Licence application forms are only available from the GOV.UK website which also gives full guidance on the application procedure including additional information you must supply and payment of application fees.
You can complete the whole application process online from the GOV.UK website, see the following link to application forms and guidance...
PLEASE NOTE: Separate to submitting their premises application forms, applicants MUST remember to advertise their premises application in the local press and on their premises as explained in our guidance notes, see Advertising an application for a premises licence (PDF, 87 KB)(opens new window).
Once we receive your application we will:
- Acknowledge it within three working days
- Hold a consultation for 28 days, allowing for representations
If we receive any representations, we will take the application to the Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee for councillors to consider. We will then notify you of their decision.
If we do not receive any representations, we will grant the licence.
If we grant your licence, it will be valid unless you surrender it or we revoke it. Although you do not need to renew your licence each year, you will need to pay an annual fee. You will need to pay the fee on the same date as when we granted your licence.
Additional information you must supply with of your premises licence application
When you submit your application, you also need to include:
- a detailed plan of the premises, see Plans Guidance (PDF, 73 KB)(opens new window)
- an operating schedule, e.g. hours when alcohol will be sold
- Give details of your Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)
The advantages of online applications
If you complete the whole application process online from the GOV.UK website. This will include:
- submission of your application form
- submission of electronic copies of additional information you must supply
- payment of application fees ( from £100 to £1,905 depending on the rateable value of the premises, with certain exemptions)
- Notification of your application to all responsible authorities, as required by the licensing regulations
Postal applications
If you prefer to submit a postal application you can send your completed application form, along with the additional information needed to:
The Licensing Authority
Basildon Council
The Basildon Centre
St. Martin's Square
Basildon, Essex
SS14 1DL
PLEASE NOTE: If you decide to submit your application by post then you MUST also:
- send a copy of the application form to all the responsible authorities, as required by the licensing regulations. For a list see Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing - List of Relevant Responsible Authorities - Feb 2025 (PDF, 155 KB)(opens new window).
Application fees
The application fee depends on the rateable value of your premises. For more information see:
- The Council's Schedule of fees and charges (PDF, 510 KB)(opens new window). (page 72).
You will not need to pay a fee if you will not be selling alcohol or providing late night refreshment and the premises is:
- An educational institution
- A church hall, chapel hall or similar building
- A village hall, parish hall or similar building
If we do not grant your licence, we will not refund your fee.
Fines and Penalties
Police or council officers can ask to inspect your premises licence at any time.
If you fail to produce your licence on request, you could receive a fine of up to £1,000.
If you carry out licensable activities at your premises without a premises licence, you could receive a:
- Fine
- Prison sentence of up to six months
- Fine and a prison sentence
The Licensing Authority
- Address
- The Licensing Authority
- Basildon Council
- The Basildon Centre
- St Martins Square
- Basildon, Essex
- SS14 1DL
- United Kingdom
- Telephone 01268 206925