Additional Room Allowance

From April 1 2017, consideration can be given for an extra room to be included in a Housing Benefit calculation.

Receiving Overnight Care from a Non-Resident Carer

If a disabled child or non dependent adult regularly requires overnight care from a non-resident carer, or group of carers and additional room may be considered. 

To meet the qualifying condition the claimant needs to be able to demonstrate that:

  • Care has been arranged.
  • A spare bedroom is available for the carer. (or team of carers)
  • An extra bedroom has not already bean provided for a non-resident overnight carer (or team of carers) in the same household.

The disabled child or non-dependent adult must also be in receipt of one or more of the following:

  • Middle or higher rate care component of Disability Living Allowance. (DLA)
  • Attendance Allowance. (AA)
  • The daily living component of Personal Independence Payment. (PIP)
  • The Armed Forces Independence Payment. (AFIP)

Unable to Share because of a Disability

To meet the qualifying conditions the Local Authority will need to make an assessment on whether an individual cannot reasonably share a bedroom with the partner because his or her disability.

The further qualifying condition is that one member of the couple is in receipt of:

  • The middle or higher rate care component of DLA
  • Higher rate AA
  • The daily living component of PIP; or
  • AFIP

Apply for an Additional Room Allowance

If you're in receipt of Housing Benefit and believe you fit either criteria, complete the form below. 

Apply for Additional Room Allowance (opens new window)