Licence - Animals, Animal businesses
Licences for animal boarding establishments, dog breeding, pet shops, riding establishments, dangerous animals etc.
Changes To Animal Licensing Laws From 1st October 2018
From 1st October 2018 onwards, animal boarding businesses (including home boarders and day carers), dog breeders, pet shops and riding establishments will be all covered by a single new type of licence known as an 'Animal Activity Licence'.
Licensing Of Animals and Animal businesses - An Overview
An overview of the legal requirement to licence animal boarding and dog breeding establishments, pet shops, riding establishments and dangerous animals etc.
Licence - Dangerous Animals And Pets
Dangerous animals and pets - licensing and inspection. Anyone who keeps a dangerous animal or pet must be licensed.
Licence - Zoos, Circuses And Animals As Prizes
The inspection and licensing of zoos. Inspections of circuses under the terms of the Health & Safety at Work Act and the use of animals as prizes.