Information on where to dispose of non-recyclable items, finding a new home for your unwanted items plus lots of tips on how to reduce waste and recycle more.
Visit ALUPRO (opens new window) - working to maximise the UK's recycling rate for aluminium packaging.
Visit Freecycle (opens new window) - grassroots, non-profit movement of people who are giving (and receiving) stuff for free in their towns.
Get Composting Scheme
Visit Get Composting (opens new window) - Essex County Council has teamed up with to provide reduced priced environmental products such as home compost bins, water butts and more.
Visit the Lighthouse Furniture Project (opens new window) - prevent reusable items going to landfill and re-use them to help those in need by providing good quality second-hand furniture and household items at affordable prices.
Love Essex
Visit Love Essex (opens new window) - find your nearest recycling centre, where to dispose of non-recyclable items and tips on reducing waste.
Visit Ollie's World (opens new window) - Ollie's World maximises the power of the Internet by showcasing examples of sustainable practices, developed in homes, schools and businesses from around the world grouped in a child-friendly, comprehensive resource centre.