How Basildon Borough Council works

Basildon Borough Council has 42 elected members representing 14 wards.

The Councillors are elected by thirds - there are Borough Council elections 3 years out of every 4, with an Essex County Council election being held in the fourth year.

Current political composition 

Political groupSeats held 
Small image of the Conservative Party Logo 2021
Small colour image of the Labour Party Logo 2018
Decorative image showing Independents logo
Wickford Independents5
Small colour image of the Wickford Independents Party Logo 2018
Total number of seats42 

Governance model

At the Annual Council Meeting held on 26 May 2022, the Council resolved to change its form of governance from the Committee system to a Leader and Cabinet model. Further information about the way the Council works can be found in the Constitution.

Borough Town, Parish and Village Councils

Local (Town, Parish and Village) Councils are statutory bodies created in law and which have to abide by the law and work within it.