Inclusion and Diversity - Our Commitment
Our commitment to the nine protected characteristics

- Age - Promoting equality of opportunity for younger and older people.
- Disability - Promoting equality of opportunity and eliminating discrimination for disabled people.
- Gender reassignment - Protecting the rights of people who have proposed, started or completed a process to change their sex.
- Marriage and civil partnership - Protecting the rights of people who are a partner in a marriage or civil partnership.
- Pregnancy and maternity - Combating discrimination against women for reasons of pregnancy and maternity.
- Race - Taking all necessary measures to prevent and tackle racial harassment.
- Religion or belief - Recognising and respecting different faiths.
- Sex - Combating sex discrimination and sexism and promoting the equality of women, men and people who are transgender.
- Sexual orientation - We want to ensure equality of opportunity for lesbians, gay men and bisexual people across services and employment. Combating discrimination faced by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people.
For further information on the nine protected characteristics, visit...
Our commitment to community cohesion
Community cohesion is about ensuring different groups of people share a common vision and sense of belonging, where similar life opportunities are available to all. It is defined as working towards a society in which there is a common vision and sense of belonging by all communities; a society in which the diversity of people's backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and valued; a society in which similar life opportunities are available to all; and a society in which strong and positive relationships exist and continue to be developed in the workplace, in schools and the wider community.
We organise many community cohesion events through our Inclusion and Diversity Community Forums.