Protecting vulnerable people from abuse, harm, and exploitation
One of the aims of the Safer Basildon Partnership is to protect vulnerable people from abuse, harm, and exploitation, in particular victims of domestic abuse and hate crime.
The partnership has a range of approaches to focus its efforts on protecting people and safeguarding them from abuse, particularly young people at risk of being criminally exploited and those who are victims of domestic abuse and hate crime.
We deliver a range of different mechanisms to address concerns, vulnerabilities, and offer support to reduce risk. We do this through meetings such as the Gangs and Drug related Crime group, Multi Agency Tasking Group, Women and Risk Forum, and Op PLACE (Protecting Localities Against Crime and Exploitation).
Meetings take place monthly and are attended by a wide range of partners, all working together to reduce risks and vulnerabilities to protect and safeguard individuals, and the community.
Partners also attend a range of County-wide meetings such as MACE 1- focusing on high risk missing and exploited young people, and MACE 2 - focusing on hotspot locations and trends.
Representatives also attend the Basildon Independent Advisory Group to ensure regular updates are provided and information is shared to tackle hate crime in the borough.
Below are some of the other ways we will achieve this:
Engagement with Essex Police Domestic Abuse Problem Solving Team
Work within appropriate meeting structures to manage Domestic Abuse and Hate Crime
Healthy Relationships and Hate Crime to be key topics delivered as part of the early intervention and prevention programme
Promotion of all services available to victims
Identify and deliver training to frontline practitioners to raise awareness and spot the signs of abuse
Useful links
National Centre for Domestic Violence (opens new window)
Changing Pathways (opens new window)
Stop Hate UK (opens new window)
Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) and Nuisance
Essex Safeguarding Children Board (opens new window)
NSPCC - criminal exploitation and gangs (opens new window)