Licensing Act 2003: Statement of Licensing Policy
This Statement of Licensing Policy sets out the principles by which Basildon Borough Council intends to discharge its functions as the Licensing Authority under the Licensing Act 2003 (referred to in this document as 'the Act').
The Licensing Authority is responsible for the consideration of applications for the grant of premises licences, club premises certificates, personal licences and processing temporary event notices in respect of the sale and/or supply of alcohol and the provision of regulated entertainment and late night refreshment. References in the text to licensed premises should be taken to include club premises, unless the context otherwise requires.
The planning and licensing regimes involve consideration of different (albeit related) matters. The Licensing Committee are not bound by the decisions made by a Planning Committee and vice versa.
There is no legal basis for a Licensing Authority to refuse a licence because the relevant premises does not have planning permission or where there are conditions on the planning permission of a premise.
The Licensing Authority liaises with the Planning Authority to ensure they are aware of all new and varied premises licence and club premises certificate applications. This is achieved via a weekly email. This procedure is in addition to the statutory requirement for all applicants to provide a copy of their application to the Planning Authority.
There are circumstances when a condition of planning permission, a terminal hour has been set for the use of the premises for commercial purposes. Where these hours are different to the licensing hours granted, the earlier closing time must be observed. Premises operating in breach of their planning permission would be liable to enforcement action from the planning department eve