Downsizing Incentive Scheme



Downsizing Incentive Scheme

Helping tenants who are under-occupying their Council homes, to move to a more affordable and manageable home.

Basildon Council's Downsizing Incentive Scheme can provide tenants who are under-occupying their council homes with an incentive and financial support towards transferring to a smaller and more affordable home.


Why Move?

  • To reduce household running costs
  • To change location
  • To find a property more suitable for your needs
  • To remove the need to pay the Bedroom Tax
  • To move to a sheltered environment


Downsizing Option


Housing Transfer

Mutual Exchange


Who Can Apply?


Basildon Council Tenants who have held a secure tenancy on their current home for a minimum of 2 years

Tenants under-occupying a family size property and willing to downsize

Tenants with no housing related debts to Basildon Council in excess of the grant limit*

*any housing related debts or council tax arrears will be deducted from the incentive payment before it is paid


Basildon Council tenants who have held a secure   tenancy on their current home for a minimum of 2 years.

Tenants under-occupying their current Council home and exchanging for a smaller property.

Exchanging tenants must be a Council or Housing Association registered partner in Basildon).

Tenants must not owe any housing related debts or council tax arrears.

Tenants must not have received any incentives under Basildon Council's downsizing incentive scheme within the last two years.




Fixed incentive payment of £1500, plus:

Additional enhanced payment of £300 if moving to sheltered accommodation

Additional enhanced payment of £150 if moving to a bedsit/studio (general needs or sheltered)

Additional enhanced payment of £100 if the property has been empty for 3 months or more at the time of offer

Removal of belongings (by the councils appointed removal company)

Assistance with carpets

Assistance with decorating undertaken by a council contractor


Removal of your belongings (by the Council's appointed removal company).

Decoration pack suitable for the size of property you are exchanging to.

Assistance with carpets (if downsizing to a one bedroom or bedsit/studio property).

There is no fixed cash incentive paid when moving by a mutual exchange.





Please complete the Downsizing Incentive Scheme Application Form 

Your completed application will be processed and your eligibility for the scheme assessed, after which we will get in contact with you.


Please complete the Housing Mutual Exchange Application

Your completed application will be processed and your eligibility for the scheme assessed, after which we will get in contact with



More Infomation

Downsizing Incentive Scheme Leaflet

Under Occupancy Policy - Enhanced Downsizing Scheme- October 2015